Facebook meaning| Exactly what is Facebook and It's Story| Facebook

 Facebook's meaning is abbreviation. FB is defined as an abbreviation for Facebook, a social networking site.

 What exactly is Facebook?

Facebook is a website which allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends, work colleagues or people they don't know, online. It allows users to share pictures, music, videos, and articles, as well as their own thoughts and opinions with however many people they like.

 The most popular social networking site, which allows anyone to share photos, comments and videos online. Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, the site is free to members and derives its revenue from ads. The Facebook name came from the paper document with names and faces issued to college freshmen to help them get acquainted with each other.Using the built-in search, members can locate other Facebook members and "friend" them by sending them an invitation, or they can invite people to join Facebook (see Faceslam). Facebook offers instant messaging and photo sharing, and Facebook's email is the only messaging system many students ever use.Timeline/Wall, News Feed and Ticker The Timeline (new format) or Wall (old format) is the area on Facebook where members post comments and their current status and location as well as upload photos and videos.The News Feed shows the activity of the people and organizations members follow, while very active members see updates in real-time on their Ticker.Profiles, Pages and Groups There are three types of representation on Facebook. Individuals create a Facebook "Profile," which is normally a two-way interaction with friends. Businesses create a Facebook "Page" to promote products and brands. Also called a "Fan Page," all members are accepted as fans, and although comments can be posted by them, a Page is primarily a one-way broadcast from the business. In addition, Facebook provides demographic statistics about usage. See Facebook Like.The third presence is a Facebook "Group," and any community of people may create one. Group administrators may accept all members or reject requests based on the Group's criteria.Explosive Growth Initially targeting Harvard students, Facebook was later opened to other universities and then high schools. In 2006, it allowed everyone to join and added a News Feed feature that would broadcast changes in members' pages to all Facebook users identified in their network of friends. It turned Facebook into a personalized social news service that by 2010 had more than 500 million members. Two years later, Facebook surpassed one billion users, and today, more than two billion people use the service.Facebook Platform In 2007, Facebook introduced its application platform to developers. By 2010, more than a half million applications were available for business, education and entertainment. Games have been the most popular, and Facebook Credits were created to provide virtual money to spend while playing. See Facebook Workplace, Facebook Live, Facebook Platform, Open Graph, Facebook Graph esrch, Facbook Messenger,social networking site and social advertising.

 What is Facebook's mission?

Founded in 2004, Facebook's mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what's going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.

  A Facebook profile is an individual's personal account, where he or she can post updates, upload photos, share videos, maintain a friends list and provide personal information.

Facebook advantages

Facebook allows the establishment of partnerships between various projects. Moreover, using a Facebook fan page, you can increase your brand value and social media presence for your business. If used properly, Facebook can help you find new leads and clients. Facebook can also be used as video chat tool.

Facebook disadvantages: 

 Addiction. According to a study conducted by Leif Denti at the University of Gothenburg, spending time on Facebook can become addictive. ...

Loss of Productivity. 

Malware & Viruses.

Identity Theft.

Antisocial Behavior.

Relationship Problems.

Despite it's Disadvantages Facebook is a revolution that brought the world closer to us.

What do you think about it?

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